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About Me


Hello! My name is Renny Monaghan-Brown and I am a Videographer based in Manchester, England. I was born in Manchester, but my family moved to Spain when I was only 2 years old, where I lived until I moved back to the UK by myself for University. Even though my favourite subject in school was Physics, I always saw myself as more of a creative than an academic, with video being my art form of choice. From an early age, I often created videos for fun: stop-motion animation with Lego figures, silly short films, gaming videos... teaching myself how to use basic recording equipment and editing software. I started to become someone people would go to if they needed video, be it for school projects or promotional material for family businesses. I quite enjoyed being that person. Notably, I took over full control of the promotional video produced for my dad's real estate company, Luxury Villas Marbella, from 2019 onwards. When the time came to choose a career path, the clear choice in my mind was to follow my passion for video production. I haven't looked back since.



My undergraduate degree was a BA in Television and Radio Production at the University of Salford, which I chose thinking it would be the perfect segue into the career I wanted. I enjoyed my time on the course greatly, but it dawned on me throughout the 3-years that it wasn't the perfect match I had hoped it would be. I learned some valuable skills, but also a lot of skills that I was not interested in pursuing. I did not want a career climbing the ladder of broadcast television, I wanted to be hands-on in creating digital video like I was when I was growing up, what I thought I was good at. I graduated with 2:1 honours in 2022 and found a postgraduate degree offered at Salford that sounded like the most logical next step.


My postgraduate degree was an MA in Digital Video Production and Marketing also at the University of Salford. I knew from the beginning this course was exactly the preparation I was looking for to jumpstart my videography career. I learnt much more relevant skills, got a lot of practical experience with real clients (including directing my first music video), and met a couple of like-minded peers who quickly became close friends. Those friends and I even set up our own amateur video production company, Beta3 Productions, which we have continued even after graduating, now doing paid freelance work for real clients. The marketing aspect of the course was a useful addition and I'm glad to have that knowledge, but I was more focused on the practical video production portion of the degree (no surprises there). The best experience I got out of the course was the summer placement at the end of the year, where I worked for 3 months as a 'Junior Digital Marketing Officer' for a local charity, Salford Foundation, my first long-term professional experience. I graduated the course with a distinction in 2023.

Since University

Since graduating with my Master's degree, I have been doing some freelance work, some by myself and some with Beta3 Productionswhilst looking for my first full-time industry job. The most notable of which was continued solo freelance work for The Sherlocks, a popular rock band from Yorkshire. This started with me travelling with them on their 2023 UK Tour, capturing footage on and off stage to create social media content with. I have also made 2 music videos for the band so far. This is the work I am most proud of to date and reassured me that I have made the right decisions over the years, as now I could not imagine myself doing anything else. Music videos, in particular, I am very passionate about - I love music but, unfortunately, I have no musical talent, so being able to bring video (something I believe I am talented at) together with music (something I love) is really special to me, and is something I hope I can specialise in later down the road.


My Future

I look forward to getting my first full-time job in the industry so I can really prove myself. Hopefully, somewhere I can work on a wide range of projects to broaden my skills, and with some talented and experienced people I can learn a lot from. 

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